“Chiropractic is not designed to make you instantly FEEL better.
It is designed to make you instantly HEAL better.”
What is chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a health care profession that specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions which are due to mechanical dysfunction of the joints and muscles and the effect this has on the nervous system. It's primarily focused on the spine, but here at Lucan Chiropractic we look at the whole body and could easily focus on the feet, knees, or neck. It is a safe and effective form of treatment for both adults and children of all ages.
Chiropractors use gentle and specific techniques to align the joints and therefore restore normal movement, nerve and muscle function. The chiropractic adjustment is effective for relieving pain and reducing muscle spasm, as well as helping restricted joints to move better. The technique used by your chiropractor will depend on your age, condition and comfort level. Chiropractic can range from gentle hands on techniques to instrument and table assisted techniques. Depending on your condition, your chiropractor may manipulate parts of your spine or joints in addition to giving you advice on exercise, self-help, diet and lifestyle. Where necessary we will also offer rehabilitation programmes and exercises.
In addition to providing pain relief and reducing muscle spasm, chiropractic care aims to improve stability, flexibility and movement of the body. Many patients also report an increase in energy, improved sleeping habits, and concentration.
Sometimes it may take some time for this to occur. How you respond to treatment will depend on a number of factors like; the injury type, the severity of your injury, how long you have had the symptoms, the type of work and lifestyle you lead, and how much of your chiropractors advice you follow.
Who is it for:
Chiropractic is suitable for the entire body -EVERY body, from top to toe. At Lucan Chiropractic we have provided care to clients ageing from just days old to 92 years young. We aim to provide relief from conditions caused by all kind of day to day events, trips and falls, poor posture, stress, road traffic accidents, and degenerative conditions. We treat conditions including, but not limited to arthritis, sports related injuries, spinal and joint complaints as well as headache and nerve complaints. Our Chiropractor also has a keen interest in working with women during and after pregnancy as well as with children.
We treat conditions including, but not limited to arthritis, sports related injuries, spinal and joint complaints as well as headache and nerve complaints.
Spinal and Joint Disorders
The management of spinal and joint complaints is a core part of Lucan Chiropractics' services. As chiropractors, we specialise in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of all manner of neuro-musculeoskeletal disorders. We are expertly trained to treat a wide variety of complaints ranging from acute disc injuries to degenerative arthritis. We aspire to always make you feel comfortable and well-informed about your complaint and the most appropriate treatment for you.
Sports Injuries
At Lucan Chiropractic, our personalised treatment plans provide patients with the resources they need to get their health on track — you’ll leave our clinic well informed and confident that you will be fit to play. Get in touch and schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.
Stress, posture and chronic complaints
Did you know that many day to day complaints like headahces, tense shoulders, stiffness and long term aches and pains can be due to our posture, lifestyle, and daily stresses? At Lucan Chiropractic we offer expert advice on preventative as well as ongoing treatment for just this. Schedule an assessment to find out firsthand how small changes and chiropractic care can bring about big changes to your comfort and health today.